See Us For Wild Bird Seed, Suet & Feeders!
Feeding birds is a fun and entertaining way to observe birds up close and connect with nature. Supplementing natural food sources available for birds in your yard or garden attracts different species and requires various types of feeders and foods.
Birds must consume as much as they can in a short period of time, as they are on constant alert for predators, in competition with other birds, preparing for migration, or trying to keep warm! Buying better quality seed mixtures saves money, attracts more birds, reduces food waste on the ground - which can contribute to disease and unwanted wildlife - like skunks - hanging around!
Having the correct type of feeder for the feed you are using and the type of bird you are trying to attract makes a difference as well! Most feeders are specifically designed for a type of seed or suet - and also for a certain bird-type. For example - most tube-style feeders are small-bird friendly, like finches, chickadees, tit-mouse - but grosbeaks and cardinals are also able to feed. This leaves the jays and grackles out of the mix!
See Carl's today and talk with our experienced associates - they will head you in the right direction!